Monument Avenue Homes

Monument Avenue Homes

Early 1900s


Monument Avenue Historic District includes the part of Monument Avenue beginning at the termination of West Franklin Street at Stuart Circle in the east, extending westward for some fourteen blocks to Roseneath Avenue, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a National Historic Landmark District. In 2007, the American Planning Association named Monument Avenue one of the 10 Great Streets in the country. The APA said Monument Avenue was selected for its historic architecture, urban form, quality residential and religious architecture, diversity of land uses, public art and integration of multiple modes of transportation

Source: Wikipedia

The Straus House

3206 Monument Avenue

2309 Monument Avenue

Stuart Court Apartment Homes

The Parrish House

2315 Monument Avenue

The Taylor House

2325 Monument Avenue

HMA Mission Statement

HMA advocates for the historical preservation, restoration, and pertinent development of Monument Avenue while promoting civic, cultural and educational initiatives in our immediate community.